A Popular Narrative

Obesity is a popular narrative in the mainstream media. It seems we encounter a report about it weekly. They say it’s a national health epidemic and the news channels queue b-roll depicting overweight torsos walking along the street. The reports use language implying the spread of an infection throughout our towns and metropolitan areas. And to give them credit, the media are not wrong; obesity is a growing issue and studies confirm the assertion.

We are using obesity here as an example of how these types of issues are experienced in different ways depending on who is observing them — the media, the medical practitioner, or you.

Given its attention, it’s easy to imagine that weight loss is the foundational goal of America and the key to living a healthy life.

Moreover, the central insistence on obesity allows for quite a bit of rationalization. One might say, “I’m at the high end of my BMI, but at least I’m not overweight.” With this belief in hand, this person doesn’t change her habits and continues living an unhealthy lifestyle.

Even more, those in the overweight category might rationalize that they are not a part of the problem. Perhaps they note, “I’m not the healthiest individual, but at least I’m not morbidly obese. I could stand to make some changes to my life but it’s not pressing.”

On the medical side of things, the Western medicine approach focuses much of the time listening to symptoms, collecting data, and the labeling that combination as a disease. It is important we all understand the nature of how science constructs facts. The Internet will display the profile of almost any disease. You can learn how to identify it, the most common signs and symptoms, how the disease progresses, and what the typical prognosis is. There will be information on how the disease should be treated. Typically, this information is a profile on averages. In addition, many of the treatments revolve around taking medications. In the obesity example, is it really enough to jump on the Internet and search for answers?

The key principle is to be in charge of your own health status whether you are in a health minus state or a health plus state.

As we first introduced in our blog noting the principle of “health minus to health plus,” living healthy is not directly attributed to your weight. Each human being holds unique attributes and it’s too simplistic to say everyone under a certain weight is healthy and everyone over a certain weight is unhealthy.

For this reason, we have developed the principle of health minus to health plus. The idea gives definition to the mindset behind living healthy. No matter your weight, impairment, or age, there’s a process toward living well. Health minus to health plus helps you along the way.

It Always Requires a First Step

While not everyone exists at health minus, chances are, if you haven’t given much thought to your health, you are experiencing health minus.

As a quick refresher, what is health minus? At health minus, there is a broad base of people whose mind, body, and spirit are not actively seeking a healthy and high quality of life.

Another way of looking at is that there is a low-level of integration between the various regions of your body and your mind.

So what are the first steps toward a health-plus lifestyle?


How do you know if you’re healthy? Is it a feeling? Is it a comparative process in which you mindfully compare where you are vs. where you were? Is it based on tests and measures your physician shares with you?

Well, the first step is realization. If you have no awareness that your life functions in the health-minus category, there’s no starting point. You need to recognize and aim for a higher quality of life.

This acknowledgment coincides with a vision for a better you and the individual decision to create new desires or goals for your health. Does it include better mobility? Is it a certain amount of weight loss? Is it an activity with a granddaughter? Is it the ability to crouch in a catcher’s position to receive pitches from your Little League son?

These goals represent an endpoint where the path toward a health-plus lifestyle guides the way. Without understanding your current condition and a direction to head, health minus and health plus are just words.

So, then what?


If you’ve opened yourself to a health-plus lifestyle, the next stage requires hard and diligent work toward changing habits, some dietary, some exercise-focused, and some purely mental.

Success in these measures involves connecting your mind (the mental disciplines, belief in achieving the goals, and an understanding of the process), your body (the actual muscles, joints, and bones engaging in movement and requiring proper nutrition), and your spirit (understanding your purpose and finding encouragement from others).

This process should not be undertaken in solitude. With a specific plan, encouragement from friends and family, and a helpful eye from an experienced professional to diagnose the areas in need of improvement and to offer advice to achieve the goals, you will find yourself well on your way to a health-plus lifestyle.

Reap Your Goals

But remember, the first step is to recognize there’s a need. Without this step, you may find yourself in rationalization mode, passing the buck down the BMI spectrum politely noting, “At least I’m not that person.”

Secondly, there are huge personal rewards available when you decide to take responsibility for your health. Medication may be necessary, but is not a substitute for your intentional involvement in the process.

The obesity epidemic so often reported surely exists, but don’t let it paralyze you. No matter your weight, there are tangible steps you can take to live a healthier life. If you need help addressing these issues, we’re here for you! Let us know how we can help!