

Whenever you are about to engage in any physical activity, there seems to one constant to consider. Whether you’re about to run a 5k, getting ready to play in the big game, or you’re preparing for a hike there is on key consideration…hydration.

Health-Related Quality of Life

The Greeks called it, “eudemonia,” — loosely translated as happiness or welfare, or more literally, “good spirits.” In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle considered eudemonia the greatest good for humanity.


A headache can be a difficult thing to put a finger on. What causes it? Is it a lack of caffeine? Is it stress? Is it posture? What about diet? Headaches never seem consistent enough to create a causal chain from source to effect.

Be Strong

Notes in Cascading Harmony When was the last time you heard a perfectly strummed guitar? Do you recall how the notes rung in beautiful harmony, vibrating at complementary pitches? Isn’t it fascinating that noises at separate but steady intervals unite together to create a complicated, textured, and gorgeous sound? Compare the chord to a single-note melody on the same guitar.

Be Connected

A system isn't some randomly organized thing. It is an interconnected set of things that are designed and linked in a way that allows the system to achieve something purposeful.