


Welcome to the Health Plus Minute. Last week, Gallup released its well-being findings for 2013. Yakima, Washington, ranks as the fourth most obese city in the United States. The cornerstone of dietary advice since the 70s has been that saturated fat should be avoided. Eat more carbohydrates. But saturated fat does not cause heart disease, or so concluded a big study published in March in Annals of Internal Medicine. The food pyramid was created in the 80s. At its base, carbohydrates. We’re now eating a lot more carbohydrates, at least 25% more. That old saying suggests that the number of calories is the key to keeping weight down. It doesn’t matter what you eat, or does it? Research suggests that obesity is a food partitioning problem. The body deals with the calorie and partitions it, burns it, or stores it. Turns out that carbohydrates cause the release of insulin, which leads to fat storage. Research by Dr. David Ludwig at the Boston Children’s Hospital shows clearly that the less carbohydrates you consume, the easier it is to take off weight. Carbohydrates are making us fat in Yakima, not the saturated fat from meats. If you want to lose weight and reduce your chance for heart disease, start by reducing your intake of carbohydrates. ProMotion Physical Therapy and Functional Fitness. Be moved.